Kitchen Table Studios is a concept that has been a major part of my making process for my whole life.

At the moment I'm concentrating on my textile jewelry, and here you will be able to see it before it is in shops or available on-line.

As much as I would like a studio of my own...and one day I hope I have one, for now, it's the kitchen table. The annoying part of working where inevitably you have to pack up before mealtimes has informed the very nature and scale of the projects I make.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

new knitwear...maybe for a boy?

Well, This is number 3. My mannequin form is not doing this one justice. But it is a very soft, and light little jumper, perfect for a cool spring day. Quite nice on a little chappie with a t shirt and a pair of corduroys. Hand spun by me. It is Alpaca and spun cotton fabric, with a little wooden toggle.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Finished vest....bring on the sugar plum

Yay, it's finished!
I hand spun and sewed all these bits together to make this.
It's made from Merino wool I got in Drysdale Vic, vintage sequins and buttons. It would fit a 1-2ish year old girl, great with a stripey t-shirt and jeans...mmm I wish I was little enough to wear it.
I also had to make the little form under neath it. I was lying awake the other night, trying to figure out how to make something that wasn't spooky for a mannequin, I decided on the squishy pillow look...very formless and ambiguous. Phew, now I'm working on an alpaca vest that might suit a little boy.
So, I have decided to sell this on my etsy shop  go on...have a look.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


this is the new experimental spinning and knitting I'm doing at the moment....this will be a child's vest

Monday, September 6, 2010

new shop and etsy!

Finally, I got back on the computer after all these weeks!

I have a new shop called The Artist is Home, 77 Main St and it's in Beeac. Victoria. I have some brooches there, and some knitware I've been experimenting with.

Also, Etsy! this very afternoon I did it Kitchen Table Studios  re launched on etsy, phew!
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