Kitchen Table Studios is a concept that has been a major part of my making process for my whole life.

At the moment I'm concentrating on my textile jewelry, and here you will be able to see it before it is in shops or available on-line.

As much as I would like a studio of my own...and one day I hope I have one, for now, it's the kitchen table. The annoying part of working where inevitably you have to pack up before mealtimes has informed the very nature and scale of the projects I make.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

new material

30s material5
Originally uploaded by rachel jk
This is part of a very generous haul of lovely scraps from the US.

Some new material

30s material4
Originally uploaded by rachel jk
This is part of the delicious purchase from Ebay. Very excited about incorporating this into the new work.

start of necklace...more textile jewelry

start of necklace
Originally uploaded by rachel jk
This is part of my new neckware, I've scored some very nice vintage fabric, and I'm mixing it up with the other Japanese stuff.
They are pretty special.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hair slides

These are new, and will be available very soon.

I will be selling them for $9.00 a pair
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